International Artists Day

We are finishing up 2022 with our Winter Painting Series!

If you want to experience an accepting and compassionate place to love on your creative process than this is the perfect place for you.

We have been hard at play with intimate process painting groups for years and it feels like the gift to self that keeps on giving.

Today is actually International Artist Day! Who knew?

Have you ever thought about your relationship to your creative expression? Is it open, available, curious and free or is it shut down, close-minded, judged and critiqued? A mixture of it all and everything in between? We deserve to explore our creativity in a safe, nourishing and comfortable environment. Free from critique, judgement, and expectation. You will be amazed at what your creativity is capable of when given the care and support it needs to come out and play.


That's enough to come join us!


Process Painting


Compassionate Presence