Process Painting

Did you know we begin each group

with a simple check in...

"How are you feeling today?"

For some of us it's the first time we've considered ourselves. For others the answer is, "I don't know," until we have time to slow down, reconnect and sense how we are actually feeling.

Process Painting is a practice in seriously slowing down. Simple moments like the sound of the brush swooshing the paper, the smell of the paint, hearing the quiet, noticing your thoughts and sensing your body and feelings are just the right mixture to bring you back into the present moment.

I'm so grateful to slow down with you in all of these seasons. In our slowness we create the space needed to get curious together, delight in our playfulness, laugh at our seriousness and experience ourselves in new ways. It is this SPACE that actually gives us a sense of new possibility. It's here, that we prioritize courageously expressing ourselves over pesky perfection.

I love slowing down with you.

Thank you for sharing your creative soul with this community.

Come paint with us in the NEW YEAR!


Thrilling Science of Awe


International Artists Day