Thrilling Science of Awe

I know what you're thinking... Where do these images come from?

What is this? Does this even make sense?

When we turn towards the source from which our creativity comes from rather than what our final product looks like, a whole new space for creative expression opens up. THIS is the space we play within in this community.

Dacher Keltner is a neuroscientist currently researching the primary experience of awe in human life - "the moments when we have a sense of wonder, an experience of mystery, that transcends our understanding." Most recently he stated from the podcast, The Thrilling New Science of Awe (On Being with Krista Tippett), that these moments are in fact measurably health-giving and immune-boosting. "They actually bring us together with others, they bring our nervous system, heartbeat and breath into sync - and even sync with other bodies around us."

Time and again we are in awe of our creative expression in the studio. Staring at our creations with wonderment, curiosity, tenderness, acceptance for what is, acceptance for disregarded parts of self. ACCEPTANCE. We do this within ourselves and we hold space in community for others to do the same.

It's a weekly internal adventure with a side of AWE.

Come join us!


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