Compassionate Presence


In the studio compassionate presence feels like...

Coming to your painting with an openness, a curiosity, a "Wow, what's this?" or "What wants to happen here?"

It's standing alongside a painter while tears bubble up, knowing it is more meaningful to stand alongside her in this very moment than have the perfect curated response.

It's quieting our environment and going inward to see how our body feels today. Is she holding tension? Is she guarded? It she tight? Is she light or heavy?

What is she telling us? What does she want us to know?

It's noticing our inner critic, giving a it a big hello, while inviting it to rest, knowing someone else beyond our perfectionist deserves to come out and play.

It's noticing our logical thinking mind, giving it a big hello, while inviting it to rest, knowing that some intuition deserves to come out and play too.

It's moving towards our anger, loneliness, despair, sadness, awkwardness, weirdness, messiness with tender care knowing they too are a piece of us who deserve to be honored, heard and held.

COMPASSIONATE PRESENCE is an internal practice that we can come back to day after day, reassuring our mind, body and soul that she is heard, validated and understood.

Join us for our upcoming Summer Series where each time we come to the studio we have the opportunity to creatively practice compassionate presence with others looking to do the same.


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