What Keeps Us Coming Back

Have you ever viewed a painting and cried at the sheer beauty of it? Have you ever been so moved by a song it made your heart swell? Have you ever seen people dancing or saw a photo that took your breath way? Have you ever read poetry that moved you so deeply you read it over and over and over again?

What is this place that these modalities so easily touch? It is intuition, love, energy, faith, source, truth, home?

Last week marked the beginning of a new group series where we posed the questions, “What draws us towards creative expression, What intrigues us about it and Why do we keep coming back?”

We found:

  • It's a safe way to venture into the unknown

  • It's spontaneous and mysterious

  • It's joyful

  • It's filled with surprises

  • It allows us to be present in the moment

  • It suspends our critical/judging mind

  • It brings us closer to intuition

  • It feels like we re being led by something other than self.

  • It feels like we are co-creators

  • It feels like home

  • No one can take it from us

  • It feels alive

  • It feels like support

  • It feels like an experience where words are not required

So often we wait for creative inspiration to come to us. But it is the actual doing that invites creativity in. Start with WHERE you are, start with WHO you are, start with WHAT you have, GET STARTED and then keep going.

Join us!


Compassionate Presence


Combat Loneliness