The Power of PLAY

WOW it's been a LONG time since we last touched base.

Just like you...I've been scrambling, running, slowing, napping, exhausted and re-energized to name a few. So many of us are in transition. It's MOVING to hear your stories. Which all began with something we had no control over and then moved into conscious decision making. I am humbled by the strength of YOU.

In Brene Brown's latest podcast she talks about the need for play...NOW. It seems ridiculous to think about the use of play when the world around us is so heavy. To paraphrase she says..."When we engage in play, meaning:
🎨 Activities you feel free to be YOURSELF in

🎨 Activities where you feel uninhibited and FREE

🎨 Activities where you lose track of time

we are engaging in and respecting our biologically programmed need to spend time without purpose, to get lost in the piddling, to be with ourselves in a different way. Play can ultimately transform us and give us a renewed sense of excitement for life."

I'm proud to say...We PLAY in our Women's Groups. By giving ourselves permission to play, lose track of time and feel FREE, we create an invigorating source of new and renewable energy.

Are you giving yourself permission to play? If not, you are always welcome to play with us.


Cope, Heal, Grow, Create...Repeat


Podcast Interview With Nourish Coaches