Play & Pleasure, Curiosity & Creativity

Hello Creative Soul,

These are funny words to use in a time this? Maybe a little too playful, a little too upbeat? I know. While we recognize the fact that this pandemic is difficult and honor all the many levels of loss each of us are there space to continue to embrace our aliveness, our vibrance and our spontaneity?

Play, curiosity, imagination and exploration
are still some of the most
powerful antidotes to death & loss.
 ~ Esther Perel

Over time, these elements can serve as survival tools for our over all mental health and well being. The energy that we use to engage our play, pleasure, imagination, sponteneity and exploration begins to disable our sense of fear and the contraction it brings along with it. Can we find or make room for both?

  • If we feel distant, can we also find room for closeness?

  • If we feel contraction can we also find room for expansion?

  • If we feel STUCK can we also find room for possibility?

  • If we feel pain can we also find room for pleasure?

  • If we feel heavy can we also find room for lightness?

  • If we feel empty can we also find room for fullness?

It does not need to be either or. We can embrace both.


Working One-to-One & Paint From Home


Easy Energy Shifts & Little Bits of Humor