Easy Energy Shifts & Little Bits of Humor

This week it was clear, through family members, neighbors, painters in group and on every zoom...we are ALL EXHAUSTED. Can you relate?

In the studio one of the principles that guides us is whether or not something has energy for us? If it does, then we know we are on the right track. Now more than ever, I've been carrying this principle outside of the studio and wanted to share some easy ways to shift our energy even when it feels HEAVY.

In addition to the usual sleep, exercise, meditation

and nature walks the following have been very useful

in helping manage energy:

* Short body scans and emotional check-ins many times a day. What do you need, where are you hurting, how can you bring more love to those areas? Creating awareness.

* Small bite size chunks of anything can seem more manageable and less overwhelming than larger lengths of time.

* Deep breathing whenever needed. Walking to the mailbox and bringing the garbage back to the garage count as wonderful times to this :)

* Doodling and small bits of artmaking whenever possible. Leave all materials out so you can easily engage. I'd love to hear if this serves as a reset or calms your nerves like it has mine.

* Sometimes you need to take a really long nap and other times you need to show up to make the shift happen. See if you can become aware of which one you need when.

* I used to say you don't have to attend every argument you're invited to. Now I say, you don't have to attend every zoom call you're invited to. Keep your energy from being zapped and save it for the calls that uplift you and feed your soul.

Bits of humor and feel good stuff

* I signed up for a 12 week public speaking class even though nobody goes out in public!

* My daughter whispers the answers to my son during his zoom class. Trying to curb that.

* Our down the street neighbor created an obstacle course from her house to ours that we all enjoyed.

Share your bits of humor with me! I would LOVE to hear.


Play & Pleasure, Curiosity & Creativity


Paint From Home