4 Types of Creative Art Therapies

  1. Art Therapy: Art therapy involves using various art materials, such as paints, markers, and clay, to help individuals express themselves creatively and explore their emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Art therapists work with clients to create artwork that can help promote healing and personal growth.

  2. Music Therapy: Music therapy involves using music and sound to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Music therapists work with clients to create music, listen to music, or use instruments to help them achieve specific therapeutic goals.

  3. Dance/Movement Therapy: Dance/movement therapy involves using movement and dance to promote self-awareness, improve physical function, and enhance emotional and mental health. Dance/movement therapists work with clients to help them express themselves through movement and to explore their emotions, thoughts, and experiences.

  4. Drama Therapy: Drama therapy involves using theatrical techniques and activities to promote self-expression, communication, and personal growth. Drama therapists work with clients to create scenes, engage in role-play, and use other dramatic techniques to explore issues, develop skills, and gain insight into their lives.


Is Art Therapy Right For Me?


3 Benefits of Art Therapy vs. Talk Therapy