I Need To Tell You Something

You might cringe, but here it goes...

Fourteen years ago I left my house in a panicked rush without having time to make my bed. I had a full day ahead with meaningful connections but kept noticing my thoughts going back to my unmade bed. I came home, made my bed (only to get into it a few hours later) and felt a wave of relief run through my body (now that the bed was made) and thought, "WOW, This bed has WAY too much control over me."

It's been 14 YEARS since I've made my bed.

YES, you read that right! The day I stopped making my bed was the day I began to reimagine my relationship with PERFECTION.

Here's what we know about Pesky Perfection:

  • Perfectionism leads to higher levels of stress. - Chasing perfection is exhausting and almost always leads to thoughts of "I'm not good enough" thinking. Cue in your relentless inner critic and fear of failure who loves to hang out here too.

  • Refusing perfection helps you deal with change more comfortably. - If change is the only constant, why not spend more time and energy building your relationship with change?

  • You will be braver about taking risks. - Breaking up with perfection is uncomfortable AND it also leads to growth.

  • Perfection STIFLES creativity. - Definitely reread that one. It zaps the energy out of what you would love to do and instead puts more emphasis on what you SHOULD do. Cue in all the SHOULDS.

  • Saying no to perfection leaves you with more time and space to think about and create other things. - Imagine all the unique qualities waiting for you on the other side of your perfection. What would that feel like? How would that impact your daily relationship with JOY?

Exhausted by your PERFECTION? Many other women are too.

Challenge your perfection and begin to relate to yourself in a new more accepting way filled with compassion. Come paint with us!

NEW 6 Week Virtual Process Painting Series beginning in April:

Tuesdays 6:30-8:30pm

4/13 - 5/18

Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm

4/15 - 5/20

Fridays 10am-12pm

4/16 - 5/21

Group not your thing? Individual sessions are available.


Working Through the Muck


Are You Feeling All the Feels?