Calling ALL Creatives

Is creating in your personal maintenance plan?

We are all in need of some SERIOUS self-care right now.

Join Wild and Free Painting’s VIRTUAL 6 Week Process Painting Group specifically for Art Therapists.

Two Groups to choose from - Tuesdays or Thursdays

Self-care, art, community, healing, personal growth and other AT’s all in one place!!! Please click the link and fill out submission form (towards the bottom).

Once received we will be in touch!

What People are saying:

“I was very familiar with Process Painting when I started this journey, but Elissa takes it to a whole new level. The journey and lessons that have unfolded for me over time blow my mind. This is 100% due to the supportive space and gentle guidance Elissa provides. Process Painting has become an essential component of my self-care.” - Jennifer L.,

Art Therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor

“This practice was beneficial for me as an Art Therapist because it allowed me to focus on & fully experience the process of painting. Letting go of interpretation & rules helped me reconnect with my creativity.” - Kate M., Art Therapist

ONLINE Process Painting Groups for Women

Magic happens in the studio but it's times like these when we need our creative practice and ONLINE community more than ever. Here's what we know.


Click the link, submit form (towards bottom) and once received we will be in touch!

Register for Process Painting Groups for Women

What people are saying:

“I know this process has helped me in my healing and I am deeply grateful for you creating and holding this safe space. You have this gift to guide with such grace! You built a place for me to go to that feels like home.” ~ Denise S., Painter

“Process Painting has truly helped me rediscover the joy of living in my truest self—someone who finds bliss in embracing the moment, wonder in the mystery of personal expression that finds its voice through color and form, and peace in putting brush to canvas. For anyone standing at a portal of change or transition, Process Painting is a magical step to meeting the part of you who is ready to embark on the journey that encourages you to enjoy the view along the path of a creative life. Never mind the destination, never mind whether you consider yourself a master traveler/artist or not, never mind that art may not have drawn you before, Process Painting will surely help you see the beauty in cultivating your creative self where you are now, wherever that may be, through each brushstroke."

~ Leeanne S., Language Arts and Mindfulness Teacher


Are You Feeling All the Feels?


Cope, Heal, Grow, Create...Repeat