Hold a Creative Space - Online

Your painting can hold ALL OF THIS....

If you're a painter in the studio this is a message you hear over and over again. "Go ahead and paint it. Your painting can hold all of it for you." It doesn't matter how dark, how many layers, how bold, how quiet, how scared. Your creative space can hold it... your paper can take this.

One of my most favorite things to do is hold a creative space for women so they can find a sense of peace, acceptance and relief within. As we continue to watch the current events of the world unfold, we have decided to postpone all groups and workshops in our studio for the next 2 weeks. Individual sessions will be handled on a one-to-one basis.

Having a close relationship with creativity in difficult times can provide you with the perfect outlet you need to hold all of what you are internally experiencing. I encourage you to take this time to go within and take good care of YOU so you have the energy to take care of those around you. Creativity comes in ALL forms. You know which feels good to you. Use it, explore it, play with it. When we cannot find the words or the context for what is happening around us let your creativity lead the way. Give yourself this outlet even when things around you feel restricted. Especially, when they feel restricted.

In returning to what I know best...holding a sacred space for women in times of transition... it is my hope to be able to offer an online process painting group within the next week or so.

If you are interested please drop me a quick YES and I will add you to the list. This would most likely be a zoom call (via email) that you would enter into with a quick link click. More details to follow.

Be gentle (with you) and be well.


Paint From Home


Do You Have Creativity Scars?