How to Tap Back into Our Creative Process

I'm too slow.

I'm too fast.

I'm too scattered.

I'm using too many brushes.

I'm using too much paint.

I should be done by now.

I'm too messy.

I'm taking up too much space.

I'm too loud.

I'm too quiet.

These are just a few of the things women share when they first paint. They are all different but all carry the same message. That we should be something other than who we are. That we are just TOO... fill in the blank. Sound familiar?

In the creative process we are given the space to challenge this inner critic. To quiet it a bit and choose a different approach. What if we painted as if no one were watching? What if we painted without the restrictions or limitations of someone else's expectations? Would you take up more space, use more brushes, be a mess, paint slower, fill with curiosity instead of shame? Of course you would. That's what we do here. We give you the space to express yourself as if no one is watching. To show up in YOUR way, using YOUR voice, with YOUR technique, using YOUR approach...every single time.

Tapping back into our creative process creates a space within ourselves that we can pull energy from, that we can pull healing from that we can pull from rather than relying on the external to provide for us. I invite you to go within, with us, and discover the immense freedom that awaits when we are willing to put other people's expectations aside and instead follow your own energy. Join us! Click here and fill out the interest form to schedule a call.


Painting as a Journey for Self-Discovery


Happy Holidays and More to Come in 2020!