Reclaiming The Power Of Your Creativity

I'm on a mission to help women rediscover and reclaim the power of their own creativity. Which I realize can mean different things to different people. But what I'm trying to help women avoid is living their lives without being creative if in their heart it's something they have always wanted or it's something they've always been curious about but too scared to act on. I'm driven to do this for so many reasons.

Here are a few:

  1. Being creative with no expectation to produce something beautiful is deeply healing and being in a space with other women with no other expectation than to express yourself is deeply healing too. Can you imagine?

  2. Giving ourselves permission to play, explore, uncover, reclaim, discover allows us to access pieces of ourselves that words simply cannot. Our creativity taps into a sense of mystery, spontaneity, intuition, energy, confidence and wonderment that can surprise and welcome us. We can all use a bit more of this, don't you think?

  3. From the earliest age most of us have received some sort of cultural message that our creative expressions should look exactly like a model that we are following. This immediately squashes our ability to create our own authentic images and as a result, shuts down any further creative exploration. SO MANY women tell me their creativity was taken from them from THIS person, THIS class, or THIS experience. A person, class or experience that we internalized so deeply that we ultimately surrendered and let our creativity go to the wayside. But THIS is nonsense based on nothing factual. So let's take our creative back.

  4. Honoring my wacky, wild, unexplainable creativity has given me renewed sense of purpose, confidence and connection to myself through periods of disconnection, grief and major life transitions that words alone could not. I've seen it do the same for countless other women too.

  5. Creativity is contagious and I like to pass it on :)

The image for this post is my latest painting. It's not done yet but I wanted to share. Ever feel squeezed for time for yourself, squeezed to give other people answers, squeezed to be productive, squeezed for time in general... squeezed, squeezed, squeezed? Me too and this is what my version of Squeezed looks like right now! That relentless feeling of Squeezed is released into the painting and only sweet relief and expansion is left to feel in my mind and body. Can you relate? Tell me about it, I'd love to hear.


YOU Already Have Everything You Need to be Creative


Following the Energy.