True Colors

Remember when you needed to make your Halloween costume in order to go trick or treating and candy was collected in a brown bag or pillow case? That's me, below, as my idol Cyndi Lauper, circa 1986(ish). It was also the year Cyndi released “True Colors” and I could have sworn she was speaking to me in this song. 

As women we carry around so many layers of what I like to call "Gunk." Hurts, worries, judgement, critiques and more. Some are easily released while we hold TIGHTLY on to others. Our creativity gets lost in the "Gunk," hidden beneath years and layers of transitions and losses. Eventually our Gunk takes over that place of mystery, spontaneity, energy and connection...leaving us a bit stuck.

The good news?

With the right set-up we can easily get back to that creative space where all our energy lives. That place of deep connection, acceptance and compassion.

Come back home to yourself and touch base with your True Colors once again.


A Little Bit Wild and VERY Free